daily   weekly   per piece/unit
Pre-Production             240,00 $          1.200,00 $
Actual-Production          1.900,00 $          6.000,00 $
Camera Operation             550,00 $          2.100,00 $
DoP            1.060,00 $          4.200,00 $
Assistant Camera             210,00 $             970,00 $
Clapper/Loader               96,00 $             570,00 $
Soundengeneer             175,00 $             746,00 $
Boom Operator               115,00 $             456,00 $
Dolly Operator               96,00 $             483,00 $
Stadycam Operation incl. Stadicam           1.492,00 $          5.270,00 $
Arri 16BL Package*             631,00 $          2.546,00 $
Arri 16ST Package             317,00 $          1.264,00 $
Sony UVW 100P Package*             368,00 $          1.572,00 $
WW-Zoom Lens*             162,00 $             660,00 $
Nagra III (incl. Mike/Boom)*               72,00 $          402,00 $
Sennheiser Mixer*               57.00 $             334,00 $
VHS-Prof. Tape 60´   13,20 $
Betacam SP Tape 30´   31,50 $
Betacam SP Tape 90´  43,80 $
Dolly               62,00 $             300,00 $
Lowell Lights Package               75,00 $             300,00 $
Editing Suite/Broadcast (MEDIA 100)*              570,00 $          3.072,00 $
Editing Suite/Offline*             264,00 $            1.055,00 $
Editor/Techncian (pro Stunde)      110,00 $
ENG-Asignement 1st hour 475,00 $, further hours 127,00 $ each      
Triax- 3 Camera Transmission Unit          6.588,00 $        26.400,00 $
Multikore-2 Camera Transmission Unit          3.690,00 $        14.750,00 $
Live Video Eiditing and Video Technician             130,00 $          3.960,00 $
Live-Production 1st Day 2.196,00 $,  further days 966,00 $ each      

35mm Camer Packages and special equipement on request. Shown prices do not include taxes and the costs for travel, daily expenses, negativ cutting, 16/35mm filmscore and dailies, laboratory expenses, soundstudio, additional materials and service fees, copies, costs for film-to-video/video-to-film, fees for lights techicians and the production of 16/35mm screening copies.Rental prices are due at the time of order. Service fees must be 50%-prepaid at the time of order. In all other cases payments are due on invoice.

Weekly = 5 working day.