Advertising AUSTRIAN RAILROAD McCann Erickson
concorde card casino klangbild verlag
promotion cablerunner wka
post & telecom austria o.p.m.
erste bank publico
austrian airlines group publico
realeast wiener messen / o.p.m.
donaustadt fwv
destination tomorrow vienna school board
camillo sitte college vienna school board
life-tv „leo“ publico / o.p.m.
erste bank publico / o.p.m.
post & telecom austria o.p.m.
austrian airlines roadshow publico / o.p.m.
price waterhouse coopers publico / o.p.m.
mannesmann publico / o.p.m.
documentary Vienna calling inflight entertainment i.p.
„a school, ready for europe“ austrian school comm.
„earthdance of the scorpio“ theater release/video release
TV series /

 TV- magazines

hollywood affair atv+ i.p. / realitysoap
wien alive tw1 / magazin
int. masters of vee-8 sat 1 (2006) / motorsport
vee-8 magazine sat 1 (2006) / realitysoap
4sports sat 1 (2005) / sportpreview-magazin
airport 2005 tv-projekt / dokusoap
„würschtl´n mit sempf“

tv-projekt / celebrity-talk

„puls auto“ tv-projekt / automagazin
houliwood tv-projekt / comedy
kuckucksei tv-projekt / quizshow
gut gemacht tv-projekt / sitcom
feature somewhere in austria continental cable
night of dolls arthom films / Theater release
walking on sunset arthom films / theater, video, DVD release
music clips poliana head victious fiction
gober and the peas detroit mun. records
nina hagen live eaton, baker management
on a sunny afternoon steve nick
screenplays „Railroad crossing“ drama (Co-author)
lauda air commercial (co-author)
kärnten tourismus commercial
concorde card commercial
htl donaustadt promotion
camillo sitte college promotion